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All posts by Amperage

Barnabas Mission Endowment Fund

Amperage | August 3rd, 2017

Purpose of Fund:  To provide a managed fund that enables God’s people to come together and support special ministries not possible through the South Wisconsin District’s annual budget. Donate By Check

Peace Lutheran Campus Center Endowment

Amperage | August 3rd, 2017

The purpose of the Peace Lutheran Campus Center Endowment Fund is to provide financial security for the ministry at Peace Campus Center at the University of Wisconsin – Steven’s Point.  The Endowment Fund is set up to provide annual funding for the ministry at Peace with the funds going directly to the Peace General Fund. …read more

Northern Illinois District Hispanic Ministry Endowment Fund

Amperage | August 3rd, 2017

Hispanic Ministry is a cornerstone of the Northern Illinois District’s initiative, “New Starts. . .New Believers”. We desire to endow the movement to identify, recruit, prepare and send Hispanic missionaries into Northern Illinois for the sake of our Spanish-speaking and bilingual neighbors. Please view the following video for more information on the Northern Illinois District’s new mission…read more

Michigan District, LCMS Endowment Fund

Amperage | August 3rd, 2017

The purpose of the Michigan District LCMS Endowment Fund is to help provide support to the congregations and ministries of the Michigan District. If you would like to donate to this fund and help the Michigan District continue their work, please click the link below and choose from one of the options listed:  “Through generosity…read more

Central Illinois District Group Endowment Funds

Amperage | August 3rd, 2017

Central Illinois District has set up two types of endowment funds using different investment portfolios. The funds are set up to invest donations and accumulate earnings so the earnings can be used to provide scholarships to Central Illinois District college and seminary students that are pursuing education in church work programs – future pastors, deaconesses, missionaries,…read more

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