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Peace Lutheran Church of Arbor Vitae Endowment Funds

Peace Lutheran Church of Arbor Vitae Endowment Funds

Location: Arbor Vitae , WI

Organization Name: Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church of Arbor Vitae

Peace Lutheran Church of Arbor Vitae Endowment

Purpose of Fund:  The endowment’s purpose is to expand the ministry and/or ministry facilities of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church of Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin, in order to reach a widening segment of our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Peace Lutheran Church Sons and Daughters Scholarship Fund

Purpose of Fund: Scholarship Endowment Fund earnings will be used to provide scholarships for Sons and Daughters of Peace Lutheran Church who are answering our Lord’s call to ministry as parish pastors, Lutheran school teachers, or consecrated deacons/deaconesses, and will be enrolled as second, third or fourth year students at a Lutheran College or Seminary affiliated with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

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